Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pictures now from my first lapidus bunionectomy

The scar from my first is insane! This surgery was done by a military doctor in Hawaii and my current one was a civilian in North Carolina, excuse my nasty toenail lol, stupid nail polish stained it

Pictures post bunionectomy

One week after surgery!

One month after surgery

Little update nearly 1 month after surgery!

my healing time with this surgery is ridiculously faster, maybe because the foot was fixed closer to the big toe and not in the middle of my foot, I'm not sure, but I've been walking since 1.5 weeks and the scar is so much smaller, it looks amazing! It's still swollen and I was told I need to stay off it a bit more. Which is hard l am a stay at home mom to a toddler, who is all over! I'll add pics soon!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Post op tomorrow!

Tomorrow is post op, which is a week earlier than my post op last time, but since my stitches are dissolvable and I  am not wearing a split, I'm not sure what they are going to do!! The pain is getting more manageable, however I stepped down on my bad foot today, that didn't feel amazing, I also don't remember trying to stretch my ankle this early, hopefully l am not doing more harm!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lapidus bunionectomy take 2!

Well it only took me 2 years and 9 months after my first surgery, I left off where I was suppose to get my surgery November 2012, however I found out I was pregnant, surgery cancelled!

So January 14th, 2015 i had my second surgery. Along for the ride is my husband and 18 month old toddler who doesn't understand why she can't be by her mom as often! Luckily my husband was able to take off of work for 2 weeks and then his brother will come down to help.

The day of surgery, it was weird I wasn't nervous at all, I guess because I knew what I was getting into already, so they prepped and juiced me up, lol, I love the happy juice! Surgery went well, and we left the clinic pretty quick, got my prescription filled and went home. Of course none of the pharmacies had as many pills as I needed, my husband felt like a pill popper running around different pharmacies trying to get it filled lol!

I've literally been in bed since Wednesday evening, only getting up to use the bathroom, I forgot how hard and painful that is to do the simplest things, of course this time around we have stairs to deal with, that's fun :-/ and a shower which is gross because it was 3 days since I showered lol!

Many things are different this time, as I don't have a splint on and my stitches are dissolvable, Woohoo!! That's my biggest fear is the stitch removal, so that was exciting! I am also happy with this wrap job I can scratch my leg and it's less confining!

I have a pre op next Tuesday so we will see what comes with that!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

:( only 11 more days !

I have my second foot surgery in 11 days! Get ready for some more drugged up loopy pictures and blog posts!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Follow me on Instagram

No blogs until next surgery, November 1st :(( until work hard or go home! Gym daily, started running and hiking, only one month to get my nearly 6 pack abs and toned body, I can do it! Follow me on Instagram TMMicheals